STRESSCARE 2024 - MARCH 25, 2024
Flewd Reports the State of Stress in 2024
STRESSCARE 2024 - MARCH 25, 2024
Flewd Reports
on State of Stress
in 2024
We all have stress, and we all have a lot of it. According to Flewd’s first annual State Of Stress Survey, zero people have zero stress, but 97% of people wish they felt less stress on a daily basis.
by Emily Forrest

by Emily Forrest

In this year’s survey we found that although nearly 100% of people experience stress regularly, 78% of people want to conceal their stress from the world. We also found that upon being asked “ hey, how are you,” most people say they’re great even when they’re not. The truth is that people are so stressed they’d love to scream into a pillow on average 2X-5X per day, and 90% have considered huge life changes from quitting their job to disconnecting with loved ones just to decrease their stress level.
While our survey clearly shows that stress is very overwhelming for everyone irregardless of age, gender identity, life stage, and even astrological sign, our survey also shows that stress has the power to be a unifier rather than a divider since we all experience it. Stress should not be scary or embarassing. Stress can also be managed.
In this year’s survey we found that although nearly 100% of people experience stress regularly, 78% of people want to conceal their stress from the world. We also found that upon being asked “ hey, how are you,” most people say they’re great even when they’re not. The truth is that people are so stressed they’d love to scream into a pillow on average 2X-5X per day, and 90% have considered huge life changes from quitting their job to disconnecting with loved ones just to decrease their stress level.
The great news: 98% of people actively want to lower their stress levels and only 2% of people feel they “just have to live with it.” The #1 way that people are regularly trying to catch their calm? A bath or shower, of course.
82% of people report their stress gets in the way of their daily life & 95% experience stress everyday and/or close to everyday.

So far in 2024, 75% of people said their mental health could use some improvement.

On average people experience 4 symptoms of stress often and 1 symptom constantly.

90% of people have considered pretty drastic measures to get rid of their stress.
48% - Have considered quitting their job
43% - Disconnecting from friends / family members
42% - Faking sick in order to stay home from plans
40% - Going on a shopping spree
28% - Deleting social media accounts
18% - Moving
17% - Breaking up with a partner
6% - Dropping out of school
7% - Other
Work, parenting, politics and money top the list of stressors.
61% - Work
54% - Parents who are stressed by parenting
52% - Politics / the world
46% - Money $$
31% - Personal health issue
29% - Fitting in any time to take care of yourself
19% - Planning for a specific life event / decision
18% - Married people who are stressed by marriage
17% - Overall societal pressure to act / be a certain way
16% - The health of a loved one
16% - The internet / social media
Many of us are our own stress enemies. When asked who regularly causes added stress, the #1 answer was “Myself.”
62% of people said they regularly put the stress on themselves
47% of parents say their children cause them stress
41% of currently employed people said their coworkers cause them to feel stress. Separately 29% said their boss and/or manager stresses them out
35% of married people say their partner stresses them out
Over ½ of people say they’re great even when they’re not.
53% of people say when a close friend asks how they’re doing it’s easier to always answer they’re doing great
43% are honest even when they’re not so good
2% said they’re always doing great, and we’d love to know these people
78% of people feel the need to regularly hide / conceal their stress level. When asked why:
65% said because everybody is stressed, their stress is a burden to their loved ones
58% believe their stress is simply their own problem to manage
34% would prefer not to deal with their stress
27% are ashamed / don’t want their loved ones to know about their stress
23% are embarrassed by their stress
Rage is also a significant symptom of stress with 85% of people wishing to feel less irritable on a daily basis.
75% of people feel enough outrage they’d like to scream into a pillow at least 1x per day
14% would scream into it 2-5x, and 5% said they can’t count high enough
The #1 way 80% of people most regularly try to lower their stress level is by takinge a bath or shower.

If given just 15 minutes of extra time - which is all it takes to soak in a Flewd soak - some people are reading or sitting down, but many are taking care of others or endlessly scrolling. And hey, we get it. Here’s what we heard:
“Taking care of someone OTHER THAN ME even with ‘extra’ time”
“Playing a game on my phone to disconnect from reality”
“On a screen”
“Scrolling TikTok”
“Panicking about everything I should be doing”
“Cleaning the house”
“Accomplishing something that I am worried about”
“Some chore I need to do (I have 2 kids)”
If you want to learn more about Flewd email us at or visit us on Instagram or TikTok (but don’t forfeit your stresscare time!). And, for all media inquiries contact